Nurturing Global Citizens: A Glimpse into the UN and Human Rights Education at Premiere Academy

Nurturing Global Citizens: A Glimpse into the UN and Human Rights Education at Premiere Academy


"Why do we dream of a better world?" With this compelling question, Mrs. Bolanle Olumekor, a luminary from the United Nations entered our realm, marking the beginning of a transformative experience for our JSS1 and JSS2 students.

The spotlight was on global citizenship, and Premiere Academy had the profound opportunity to key into the mission, history and journey of the UN's mission and ethos.

Guided by Mrs. Olumekor's words, our students learned about the UN's aims and values through a narrative that transcended beyond textbooks and resonated with the core values of global citizenship mission.

Founded in 1945 after World War II, the United Nations is a beacon of international cooperation, aiming to foster global harmony and prevent conflicts that had ravaged the world. As Mrs. Bolanle Olumekor shared the UN's journey, our students embarked on a historical voyage, learning about the organization's inception and unwavering commitment to world peace.

The UN can be likened to a grand orchestra, comprising various organs, each playing a unique tune in the symphony of global governance and peace. Students understood the key roles of the General Assembly, the Security Council, and other vital organs, understanding how these entities collaborate to address the world's most pressing issues.

Mrs. Bolanle Olumekor's focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From eradicating poverty to promoting gender equality, she explained the 17 pillars mapping the trajectory of a better world. The session left the students thinking of how they could contribute to these ambitious goals.

As she rounded up her lecture on the essence of our shared humanity—the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Each article became a beacon illuminating the path to human dignity and equality, She ensured that our students could learn further by handing over copies of Human Rights booklet to each and every one of them to read.

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the UDHR, our students became torchbearers, understanding that the ideals embedded in these documents are not mere words but ideas and principles for a better world with global peace and governance.

Videos depicting real-world applications of SDGs and human rights unfolded on screens. Our students witnessed inspiring stories of change, and focused on the realms of empathy and action.

To crown it all, Mrs. Bolanle Olumekor's presence planted seeds of global citizenship in the heart of the students. This goes to reinforce the reasons Premiere Academy, in our commitment to holistic education, we understand that nurturing young minds goes beyond academic subjects. It's about instilling values that transcend borders, fostering a generation ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of our interconnected world.

In this educational sojourn, our students were beckoned to be active participants in the symphony of global change. As memories of Mrs Bolanle Olumekor's words linger, our students now see themselves as representatives of constituents and ambassadors; carrying the torch of peace, understanding, empathy, and responsibility for a better tomorrow. This isn't just etched in history; it's alive in the hearts and minds of our students, propelling them to be architects of positive change.
