Jingle All the Way: Premiere Academy's Exclusive Christmas Celebration!

Jingle All the Way: Premiere Academy's Exclusive Christmas Celebration!


Hark! The halls of Premiere Academy echoed with joy on December 10th as the school hosted her annual Christmas Carol. This exclusive event, open only to our cherished students and esteemed staff members and it marked a festive culmination of the year.

The students dressed in their school uniforms adorned with traditional Christmas colors of white and red gathered to celebrate the joyous season. The Christmas hymns and carols, sung with heartfelt enthusiasm, filled the air with the spirit of the holiday.

This special occasion was more than just a festive gathering; it was a unique opportunity to impart valuable lessons about character development, obedience and the significance of remembering the birth of Christ. The event was not merely a performance; it was a celebration of the lessons that can be drawn from the events surrounding the birth of Christ emphasizing the values of giving, receiving, and divine humility.

The program featured a delightful array of activities, including choreography, hymn renditions, staff performances and special contributions by our talented students. These side attractions both new and reformed, added a fresh vibrancy to the traditional festivities.

At Premiere Academy, we believe in the power of purposeful activities. This Christmas celebration was crafted to help our students appreciate the profound meaning of unconditional love and sacrifice. It aimed at instilling in them the importance of letting love guide their actions, acting as a catalyst for forgiveness.

Beyond the merriment, the event sought to deepen students' engagement in religious activities. It reinforced the significance of celebrating the birth of Christ and fostered gratitude for the purpose and mission surrounding His remarkable entry into the world.

In essence, our exclusive Christmas celebration was more than a carol service; it was a testament to our commitment to holistic education, shaping not just academic minds but nurturing hearts and character.
