8 Must-Know Neutral Gender Grooming Habits We Teach At Premiere Academy

8 Must-Know Neutral Gender Grooming Habits We Teach At Premiere Academy

They say cleanliness is next to godliness. So, in Premiere Academy, we believe it is next to academic excellence. We have observed for so long time that if children are not properly taught healthy sanitary and personal hygiene habits

like regular hand washing, it could easily lead to preventable illnesses that could hamper the child’s academic performance. 

The majority of the sickness(es) that lead to students’ absenteeism, and poor performance in school are usually preventable by simple health habits. A new study carried out by the Indian Medical Academy has revealed that "children who have poor hygiene practices were more likely to underperform in the academic field compared to others".

Keeping clean is an important part of staying healthy for us at Premiere Academy. For example, teaching our students that the simple act of washing hands before eating and after using the toilet is a proven and effective way of fighting germs and avoiding infections; those infections that lead to malabsorption of nutrients and consequently cause malnutrition, which in turn results in growth and cognitive impairments.

As a school that is committed to raising future leaders, encouraging and motivating our students to keep clean is also an important part of our responsibilty to them. If a child’s body and breath smell good, their clothes are clean and they're on top of their basic personal hygiene, it can help the child feel confident around others.

Helping our students to manage personal hygiene is important for us at Premiere Academy and therefore, we play a role in making sure our students know about how their bodies and hygiene need are going to affect their general well-being. 

With the understanding that the earlier we can start having these conversations, the better. ideally, before they hit puberty, we have now put together our Must Know Neutral Gender Grooming Habits to feel confident as a student:

- Sleep early in order to start your day early.

- Shower at least twice daily: before going for classes and at the end of your day before bed.

- Wear deodorant or antiperspirant to keep you smelling and feeling fresh all day.

- Clip and remove dirt in between your nails.

- Always keep a neat hair-do.

- Brush your teeth twice daily to avoid bad breath.

- Wash and dry your clothes and bedding on high heat to avoid bedbugs.

- Keep your environment clean; It helps you learn better.

The child will be much more healthier, If the above are strictly adhered to because, cleanliness is next to academic excellence.
