Handling Peer Pressure and Curbing Bullying

Handling Peer Pressure and Curbing Bullying At Premiere Academy

12-years-old Storm almost committed suicide in an American school when she could no longer bear the bullying from her classmates who called her a nerd because of her passion for Math and Science. Her parents couldn't prevail on her decision psychologically. Such a near unfortunate incident made the school put in place deterrent measures against bullying. 
At Premiere Academy, we take very seriously issues bordering on bullying because we know the grave consequences associated with untethered occurrences of bullying in schools. In fact, we give the deserved attention not just only bullying, but also peer group pressure because both are the two major threats to the wellbeing of teenagers. 
As part of our strategies, we expose our students to the right influence via effective mentorship throughout the academic year with special attention to all our new students. We help them to embrace events that celebrate peer motivation over peer pressure and bullying in the School. 
Most importantly, the School Board and Management operate a zero-tolerance for bullying. As such, any reported or observed case of bullying receives full disciplinary actions. Beyond punishment and sanction, we deem it necessary to understand the psychology of the bully to discover what motivates and drives them into the act. Through this, we get a better grasp of the kind of measure or discipline to be meted to address the issue. 
Furthermore, any child caught in the act of bullying is sanctioned according to the Academy’s guidelines as outlined by the School’s Anti-Bully Committee and in the Students’ Handbook. 
Also, the School has an effective Guidance and Counseling unit that creates a safe place for students to develop character. We also encourage students to always speak up whenever they are bullied.
Our goal is to raise students that are effective communicators, world-class citizens, independent learners, critical thinkers and ethical individuals, well-disciplined and well-behaved students in a BULLY-FREE ENVIRONMENT. We assure you, that your ward(s) is in a safe place.