Three Amazing Ways You Can Help Your Kids Make Use Of This Mid-term Holiday

As you spend the mid-term break with your ward(s) as a parent, here are four amazing things you can do to make use of the break and to prepare them better for the rest of the term:

  1. Help them reflect on the half term gone.
    Take out a sheet of paper and make them answer these three questions:
    · What did I do well in the past half term?
    · What did I not do so well in the past half term?
    · What will I do differently in the coming half term?

  2. Help them set goals for the rest of the term.
    Help your ward(s) set goals of what they intend achieving at the end of the term.
    Here’s an example:
    Performance goal: Get an 'A' in math next exam.
    Process goal: Do three extra math questions every day during free time.

  3. Let them watch educational materials
    As you help your ward make use of the mid-term break. We are confident that they will have a meaningful, productive and fun-filled half term holiday!
