Founders day! Premiere Academy Flashback, 14 years Ago

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Our esteemed school, Premiere Academy, like every other establishment, has a history that reminds us of the vision, passion and commitment of its founding fathers.

Being a school with an international standard and a global focus, it has a tradition of making time for reflection and re-evaluation from when the school started to where it is currently. Proudly, this evaluation can be judged based on the quality of education evident in the lives of the young ones graduating from its four walls year after year, and the quality of teachers employed to make this dream a reality.Meanwhile, Premiere Academy founders have come to understand that their mission to create a new generation school, equipped with high moral values, good discipline,sound faith practices, and globally focused ideas,has been able to successfully deliver the many benefits to society beyond their thoughts and imaginations at the time, while still presenting room for more development and improvement.

As their mission statement states, the aim of the founders was “…to develop children into leaders through providing a rigorous educational programme that combines academic achievement with personal development, creating well adjusted, socially aware and responsible children who will go on to become "THE PRIDE OF THE NATION."

The Academy can boast and attest to the fact that every child that passes through its doors has become an effective communicator, a world class citizen, an independent learner, an achiever, a critical thinker and an ethical individual.

Going down memory lane, from the time the school started on the 16th of October 2005,until now, there have been many noticeable changes. The environment, classrooms, dining hall, hostels, academic setting have all been transformed into state-of-the art facilities and structures. Also recorded is a gradual transformation in academic impartation on a higher scale, greatly reflected in the quality of students produced every year and the calibre of teachers working year in year out. The school stands as a world class epitome of knowledge worthy of identifying with and acknowledging, due to the many achievements recorded within the past 14 years of existence.It has received recognition from WAEC for featuring consistently among the best schools with exceptional results in foreign examinations such as SAT and TOEFL. In Coding and ICT, the school received awards from NITDA nationwide Coding competition, Nigeria.In addition to this, it received awards from the annual NISSMUN (Nigerian Secondary Schools Model United Nations) conference, chess competitions, music competitions and so on.Premiere Academy is grateful to the many foreign universities and institutions who identify with the school. The school is committed to producing well rounded students not only in academics but also in terms of lifestyle and social skills.








The school has recorded a total of 10 graduation ceremonies with 850 students having passed out to date, with thousands of satisfied parents, from 2010 to 2019, making it an outstanding achievement for just 14 years of existence. The Academy remains thankful to its alumni,a smart set of ex-students working in various strata of society, doing recording remarkable success in entrepreneurship, academics, world organizations and much more, representing the values of Premiere Academy globally. The founders urge these young people to continue to maintain the high standards and to strive to do even more for themselves and the society at large. With the feelings of nostalgia and satisfaction accompanying the thoughts of the ‘Founders’Day’, the owners of the school are thankful to the Almighty for making their dreams a reality and for the divine enablement to carry out the vision of the school. They are also thankful to the students, teachers, administrators (past and present) and most of all the esteemed parents who bring their children to Premiere Academy every year for a time to learn, develop and excel. Thank you so much now and always they say.

Read 1721 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 18:56